Wilde Mulde
Webseite und weitere Informationen über das Forschungsprojekt:
The HYTECH project provided training to graduates and more experienced researchers to encour-age innovations for environmental problems.
Core-topics were the transport of inorganic and organic matter, including solutes, colloids and sedi-ments in river flows and across boundary interfaces (aquatic vegetation and benthic biofilms).
Aufgabenschwerpunkte bei gerstgraser
- Schnittstellen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) und Hochwasserrichtlinie (HWRL)
- Europaweite Recherche zur Berücksichtigung von Sediment und Morphodynamik als Quali-tätsparameter in WRRL und als Risikofaktor in der HWRL
- Fallstudie Spree: Sedimentdynamik und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Bewirtschaftungsziele
- University of Padua, Department of Industrial Engineering
- University of Aberdeen, School of Engineering
- National Centre for Scientific Research, Laboratory of Ecology of Natural and Man-impacted Hydrosystems (LEHNA)
- Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Spatial Ecology
- GHT photonics, Giotto High Technology
- TU Braunschweig, Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau
- Politecnico di Milano, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- University of Sheffield, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering
- WET Engineering, Water and Environmental Technologies
Europäische Union
Project ID: 316546
2013 - 2016